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During multi day migraines, allow daily recording#146

I like recording my migraines. However, I have migraines that last multiple days. Some days are diff with how pain, symptoms, AND meds are. Sometimes diff days are extremely diff than others and I take diff meds or no meds on certain days.

Recording how each day of a migraine is extremely important. It would be great if that was upgraded into the system. Because right now, if I do it as new migraines, the reports come out crazy…

3 years ago

I second this suggestion. Currently, I’m making ample use of the notes section, but that is time consuming and cumbersome - especially mid-attack.

3 years ago

this is an excellent suggestion. I have to track meds taken & when, sleep/naps & what I’ve eaten in the notes which I then can’t track in the calendar to see trends. it’s highly ineffective & detrimental to making this a usable tool for tracking migraine.

3 years ago
Changed the status to
Planned - We need to finish something else first
3 years ago
Changed the status to
It may have been solved already
3 years ago

We tried our best to address this point via the free program, with videos about tracking strategies.

3 years ago

Hey, I had a good chat on this subject with the team. I prepared a questionnaire to better understand the different needs behind this request.
Could you try answering those?

I will improve this questionnaire and my request to the team with your feedback!

2 years ago

I really hope a daily tracker for pain intensity and symptoms can be added. Gr8 app!

2 years ago

Agreed, I have daily migraines and have to set the beginning time to midnight and end it at 11:59pm each day to track them individually. Even a simple “all day” option would help.

2 years ago

To add to this, please also log the time we take medications like Excedrin. During a 27 hour migraine it helps to know when I took which medicine and the times symptoms changed, whether pain decreased or nausea joined the party .. ect. I love the inclusion of all the syntpoms and meds, but timing is important for long migraine sufferers

a year ago

Reply to comment: “We tried our best to address this point via the free program, with videos about tracking strategies.”

I can’t access these videos. It says there was a problem with the YouTube video.

9 months ago

Thank you for your feedback Dawn, would you mind reporting this bug directly by sending an email from your account Migraine Buddy account email address to Our technicians will be able to check this out for you.

9 months ago
Merged Daily pain average#82
4 months ago

Let’s continue this discussion in a wilder one dedicated to track changes during an attack. Track change in pain intensity, symptoms, medication intake during an attack

4 months ago