Please allow us to add the following for an on-going attack, as the symptoms can fluctuate & if it goes for more than 6 hours, you need to medicate again etc. So please add: went to hospital, add new medication time, dosage & type, severity of pain, where, other symptoms, etc. A great app, but needs to be made so we can keep adding details as it progresses & ALL the details entered from the beginning to its eventual end need to be recorded & saved so that we can send this info to our doctor/neuro - it’s often in the minor details that breakthroughs are made. Thank you.
Totally agree!! My migraines move around from back to front and i get annoyed i cant log a second or third head model with my new pain positions. Looking forward to what you’ve got planned for this.
I like the feature of asking where the pain started, but it definitely does not signify where the pain migrated to or when it was most intense, or where it stayed for the majority of the attack.
I feel like having ongoing attacks be able to have adjusted info day to day would be helpful. Like maybe 12-24 hours after the logged attack start it has like “any changes?” And it will log it as remaining the same or your adjustments that you notify it of.
Benefit to this system would be more precise migraine impact reports and better info for doctors on how often meds are taken. In addition to this meds like nurtec can only be taken every other day and it would help track that. I had other thoughts but forgot them. Will update if i remember.
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Wow you guys have great suggestion! I don’t think I have anything else to add.
To answer why this visual data is important, is that I use this data to track trends, triggers, and what helped and what didn’t, and to get to know my headaches.
This data is useful for my doctor too, since we aren’t sure if I’m only having migraines or a secondary headache of some type(s) and this can change my treatment plan.
The more data, the more concisely and easily read, the better. Right now you ask for a specific moment in time - the beginning, but don’t show how it progresses except for what I write down. And when I’m in pain, sometimes I can’t do that. An easy trend chart for visualizing what happens during my attack will be my best way to describe what happened to me, plus then compare to other attacks, to see if there is a trend or not. A pain scale through time, a location chart through time, the type of pain through time. All data I can use. However, these attacks knock out my cognitive function for writing, so it’s been hard to pass on this data to my Dr.
Thank you!
To add to this. There was a period tracker that I used to use that asked for updates every day after the period started. It was part of what led me to find out that my periods were highly irregular and now I have been able to get a hysterectomy to solve many issues (obviously skipping many steps) beyond that I hope you guys understand just how much this app helped me in getting disability. I would have never acknowledged that I had 20 migraine days a month without it. I simply wish i had more agency in how to track those 20 days and typing it all out just isn’t feasible due to pain.
I love this app alot! I am so so SO happy to see how much you continue to work towards improvement. This would be a large step for the migraine impact reports, doctors ability to learn, and our own pain management!
Side note: I normally have little to no memory of my worst migraine days so I have a HARD time tracking my meds properly. And I cant just type it out later.
TLDR: Even simply having the ability to update it once a day would help immensely. This being DURING an attack and not just whether your are having one <3
Hi All, let’s move to a more wilder discussion and move on with more input . Let s meet in the Track change in pain intensity, symptoms, medication intake during an attack discussion