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Fitbit integration / synchronisation#5

I’d like to be able to sync my Fitbit data with the app easily. Especially for the sleep related data.

3 years ago

So much data going to waste..

3 years ago
Changed the status to
In Progress
3 years ago
Merged Link with fitbit#228
3 years ago
Changed the status to
Need more Subscribers to sustain cost of maintenance - Keep up!
3 years ago

How many more subscribers? Sleep quality At minimum accurate sleep time syncing would be invaluable. Start small with just the duration of sleep, not necessarily all the sleep data, for accuracy if nothing else.

2 years ago

Thanks for continuing to look into this. Most of my migraines start in my sleep and inconsistent/poor quality sleep is one of my triggers. I already track my sleep on my Fitbit and it would be amazing to add that data here and see correlations. I tried entering it manually but it’s just too much work to do every day. I already pay for a subscription for Migraine Buddy, but this will be a key factor for me when it is time to renew it. It would be great if you could send a survey out and ask how many users would benefit from this.

2 years ago

I would love to be able to sync my fitbit with the app so it tracks sleep automatically.

2 months ago
Merged Healt connection#1297
2 months ago
Merged Sleep detection#1295
2 months ago
Merged Fitbit Connection#1307
a month ago
Merged Sleep recording integration#1339
4 days ago

Esther above suggested maybe sending out a survey to see who all would utilize a feature like allowing connection to Fitbit, or other apps, to connect to MB. I agree that if it was put out there to the other users in the form of a survey, instead of it being something just discussed in this forum, I think you would definitely get more interest!!

Thank you for being so open to our ideas for improvements!

4 days ago

Yes I would love my fitbit sleep and wake up time synced. I have not found how to add my sleep details unless I am having a migraine, which is quite frequently, so syncing this would be great thanks.

a day ago