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Track Preventatives#139

Add a tracking feature for taking preventive medication or using device like a Cefaly

3 years ago

Agree, preventive methods should be added for effectively having tracking

3 years ago

It’s very important for me to be able to track preventives as I’m taking a couple and tracking the migraine days on/off preventive day matters.

3 years ago

I am having trouble deciding how to track my preventatives in the App. How do we enter a monthly injection like Ajovy? How should we enter preventatives like exercise, changing meals, avoiding gluten, etc.

2 years ago

Im trialing taking minetals etc. and it would be good to have that on the daily tracker, along with exercise, diet changes etc. to see its impact vs migraine attacks

2 years ago

@Nadia Locke thanks for the suggestion.
I’ll keep an eye on this thread so don’t hesitate to keep posting usecases. What you are describing now seems to be like a medication and relief report, right?
Wishing you a lovely, migraine-free day!

2 years ago

I was talking about my monthly Ajovy shot, daily Sertaline 50mg, daily Duloxetine 60mg, Daily Topiramate 50mg, daily Magnesium 400mg, Daily CoQ10 100mg. These are being taken to prevent or reduce migraines and it seems they should be part of the MB story. Maybe if you created a single page for data entry & changes updating. Yes, a medication and relief report showing the trend of migraine frequency and intensity related to what was being taken. Then over time we could see if changing any of these type medications benefited or not. Thank you!!

2 years ago

In addition to my previous comment, tracking exercise, accupuncture, massage, etc. How would/should we be tracking those for impact?

2 years ago

I agree. I’ve tried every preventative medication (on and off label). Tracking those would be nice so I can see if they really did help. My body seems to build up a tolerance to preventatives so it would be good to know how long o has been taking them and what improvements might have occurred during that time. Also it would be nice to be able to download the reports with a daily pressure that spanned the spreadsheet. I would like to see the days before and after the attack at a bird’s eye view. When your migraines are critical enough that you may have to move, it would be good to be able to really see if that is the main trigger and it’s hard when I’m only looking at the days that I report a migraine. The app is wonderful though and the new features really do help. Thank you!

2 years ago
Changed the status to
It may have been solved already
7 months ago
Merged Daily tracking prevention meds#185
6 months ago
Merged Track Prophylactic therapy#1366
a month ago
Merged Add notes for non-migraine days#453
a month ago