More gender options and specifications around hormones for people on hormone blockers, hormone replacement therapies, and people in the trans community who have issues with identifying themselves as male or female as well as women whove gone through menopause or people with hormone deficiencies.
Hi @Alexandradark43there are 2 places where you can record what you are taking, one is Main Menu > Health Events and the other is in the Record Attack wizard > Medication > Add medication
You can explore both options and see which of them meets your needs best. Hope this helps.
I can’t fill out that part of my profile because I can’t bring myself to say I’m female when I’m a non-binary transgender person. I would love to be able to select that option and then say if I should be asked about my period and if I’m using hormones for birth control or transitioning.
Seconding what FluffInTheWind is saying. My husband is non-binary and there is no option for them.
Second the comments that a non-binary option would be appreciated in the gender field on the profile.
Additionally @Jenny mentioned recording medications in the attack wizard or the health events, but Testosterone is not an available medication that appears when I search in either of those locations! I did not check if other hormone replacement therapies appear, but there is a wide variety of blockers and hormones that may not be included.
I identify as a trans male (ftm) and there definitely needs to be more inclusive options for the LGBTQIA+ community. It can be very triggering and invalidating for us who are AFAB/AMAB, to be reminded of our incorrect gender. Not all women get migraines and all genders are valid and deserve recognition.
This is a great app and as a premium member I want to continue to support Migraine Buddy. Please consider making this a more diverse and inclusive environment for all of us and newcomers!
I think my feedback is slightly different but still falls under gender inclusion so I’ll put it here. I (48f) love this app but my 17m son also gets migraines and I think would be reluctant to use it because of the very femme vibe.
Bumping this. Yes yes please ♡