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A reminder to enter migraine stopping point#506

I typically forget to get back in and add the time of when the migraine stopped. It would be cool if it had a setting in which it would pop up over your screens and just ask, “how are you feeling? Are you still experiencing the migraine?” and then u can click yes or no. No would take u to the landing page of filling out info. Yes would offer some tips and an option to check back in X amount of hours

2 years ago
Changed the status to
Planned - We need to finish something else first
2 years ago
Changed the status to
2 years ago
Changed the status to
Planned - We need to finish something else first
2 years ago

Hi @Nicole Waggerman, there is currently a reminder that will pop up if you have an open record. You can find this in Settings > Notificaiton Settings. Improving the way the reminder reminds is something that we have planned to work on.

2 years ago

okay, awesome, thank you!

2 years ago

I can’t see that. It’s not the Daily Reminder, is it?

2 years ago
Changed the status to
It may have been solved already
4 months ago
Merged into Closed requests ✅#157
4 months ago