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Location of pain#409

I used to know the cause based on location of headache. Ie right side hunger, left side dehydration. But i havent be able to connect it lately. Maybe you already have this or it is under premium options.

3 years ago

I wish that there were more features on the face, sometimes my headaches I’ll be at the temple of my brow bone or I notice that it will spread to additional locations (example the crown of my head). For instance a more gradient map of where and the size of the pain is felt and or changes. It would be beneficial to show on the map the time of where the headache started and is spreading or regressing. It would behoove a deeper description if on the map the user could do more than zoom move in but also rotate the view of the headache 360 to pinpoint a more accurate location

3 years ago

I wish there was an opinion to select stomach for pain on the body! Abdominal migraines are definitely a thing!!

2 years ago

Thanks for your suggestions! @Brandy Zordan we are testing some AI engines for this. We are far from having a new feature but hopefully some day we can have a beta version for test :)
@Margarita is a mom and @Alannafitz1 I suggest that you make use of the notes section to account for pain location that are not available on the pain map. Hopefully we can enhance the map some day :)

2 years ago
Changed the status to
Need more Subscribers to sustain cost of maintenance - Keep up!
2 years ago