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Capability to delineate between pre, mid and post attack#395


You know how with some attacks , the pain will subside but the headache “hangover” (postdrome?) Is still there? Even though i understand that is still part of the same attack, it will sometimes revert to pain a few hours later, and sometimes cycle like that. When prinring reports, its difficult to differentiate that there was some period of relief then more abortives are taken when the pain returns it looks like one bigblob of a two to three day headache. Not sure if this is a feasible suggestion or not, but its just that..a suggestion. Still an excellent app. Thank you

3 years ago

Hello @Kc2222.kb, if I understand you well you’d like to be able to differenciate the prodrome / main attack / postrome and be able to correlate pain level with those type of attacks. Good news, you can already do that in the app! You can create new attack types in your recording screen (in the attack screen, scroll down and tap on “add new attack”)such as “prodrome” or “postdrome”.

3 years ago
Changed the status to
It may have been solved already
3 years ago

I am so glad you simple explained the prodrome and postdeome thank you

3 years ago