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Exporting records#366


Is there any way to add Duration to the CSV files? My neurologist is finding the Hours time-consuming and thus not useful. What I need is Days / Hours in the CSV file, not just the hours. Would that be possible?


2 years ago

Dear @Reuben Roberts I would love to help you here.
Migraine Buddy provides 2 PDF reports for doctors. It is true that doctors usually do not enjoy the Raw data (CSV file), they want something processed.

The Migraine Impact Report (in features) will show your doctors a calendar and trends of frequencies and impact over mothns.
The Doctor export (PDF too) in… “For my doctor”, will show the days/hours.

If not finding, feel free to contact me at
It will be better than here, as this chat is public (^_^)

2 years ago
Changed the status to
It may have been solved already
2 years ago