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In between gone and not gone#221

So, i find that 95% of the time my migraines have a time (that can last hours) where they dont exactly hurt however they arent gone and can go back to being very painful or going away. Theres a funny almost slightly painful numb tingle? I cant explain the feeling. It can go both ways and i never know which to put in, it’s it gone? Is it not? It’s it 2 separate? Could there be an option for this? Do other people experience this too? Or am i strange?
Thank you for taking the time to read this and this app is amazing. Its a real life changer thankyou

3 years ago

Yes I have the same thing. I usually label it as postdrome but it would be cool if we could like change phase or something? without having to start a new attack. Like we can change the type, but then it turns the whole thing into that. We should be able to be like ok, it’s been 18hours and things are better and I’m not having an AcTiVe MiGrAiNe anymore,but I’m not ready to call it yet..

3 years ago

I usually keep it as an active because at any given moment it turns back to one. Its not quite like having a migraine hangover as i call them where you feel so sick and exhausted because the absence of pain is almost a pain its self but thats another thing, is that postdrome?

3 years ago

I leave it active until finished all phases of migraine. I often make big note for myself in the notes section that (for example), after 18 hrs of tension headache, it transformed into migraine. It would b nice to say, at a certain time, i am in last phase (postdrome i think), bit did sthg or encountered new trigger and went bsck into headache phase.

3 years ago

I also have this same issue. I’ve been just leaving it open and making notes. There has got to be a better way to log this.

3 years ago

There are several ways to log this in, either in the notes section or by creating a new attack type reflecting this part of the attack. you can then select multiple attack types for 1 record.

4 months ago
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4 months ago