Putting headache as an option straight away rather than finding out it can be added at a later date. I sometimes struggle to differentiate between headaches and migraines as I get headaches which can turn into migrianes so being able to track times when it was just a headache would be really useful to send to my doctor.
I use the attack type screen and I record the headache and migraine in 2 different records. That’s not what you are doing? It it easier for my doctor to show it separately he told me.
Thank you for letting me know, I am using this for my own personal tracking so have not been shown how to use it. I will now set it up. Thanks again
Hello everyone,
Thanks for sharing tips! Indeed what was suggested above is what I would have suggested you as well 😀
Best is to keep have different records for different types of attacks (hedache, migraine, prodrome, postdrome, or anything else you wish to track). That’s the best way for you and your doctor to keep track of your attacks.
I will merge this message in the closed requests.
Wishing you a migraine-free day 💖