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Only record as a migraine free day if confirmed option#136


At the moment if I forget to input a headache it counts as a migraine free day. It would be great to have an option for it to be recorded as unknown if there is no entry for that day. If can then be recorded as migraine free if confirmed. There could be a fault reminder for this.

3 years ago

Daily reminder.

3 years ago

This is available. Idk, i have the upgraded one and u can set a time on the app for it to remind you on your phone. You can also input how you felt the day before, etc…

3 years ago
Changed the status to
We need more feedback -Votes
3 years ago

Do I understand properly:

  • You would like the app to ask you everyday if it was a nice or migraine day?

I actually do something else, maybe this could help?

  • I record GOOD DAYS, and then I know that those days without records are most probably migraine days.
    Would it work?
3 years ago

I have some form of symptoms roughly 6 out of 7 days. From what I understand, I would have to log all symptoms separately as attacks or an attack everyday in order to show my symptoms and to what extent i’m effected. Even if they fluctuate from migrain to headache or for example ‘lightsensitivity with nausea’ or any other combination. As such on some occasions there is no early head pain or one of my major symptoms, just collections of minor ones. Then, once the Migraine has bloomed i can’t remember the details of how I felt the days before and at what times. This leaves gaps in my record where it lists as migrain free… but was likely the early days of an attack.

3 years ago

Adela, how does one set the timer for the reminder? I’m assuming that it’s a notification? Is there anyway to receive this information without any other notifications from the app?

3 years ago

I use the timer. It asks me “how are you feeling?” However, I use the app to keep track of my daughter’s static migraine w/aura. She’s at a constant 3 or 4/10 with a variety of symptomology. I’m constantly experimenting with how to track each day, and when she spikes (her trigger is changes in barometric pressure.) it would be great if there was a way to delineate between episodic, chronic or static migraines.

3 years ago

I have used the app on and off over several years. There was a period of a couple of years when I didn’t use the app, because I started a new treatment that worked so well that I wasn’t so worried about my headaches. Now my doctor has asked me to track my headaches again. The app counts all of those days I didn’t use it as migraine free days, when in fact they are unknown, and this makes the reports inaccurate. Maybe there could be a way to exclude certain time periods from the records/reports while still including all recorded headaches over the years, or add an option to manually record migraine free days and make the rest unknown? Or even better, make an option to manually mark certain dates as unknown? I know you can set the date range for reports, but it would be nice to be able to include everything while also acknowledging that there’s simply no data for some time periods.

2 years ago
7 I suggest that you take note of periods of inactivity in the app in Health Events (in the main menu of the app). You can add you health events to your attack listing report, so that it clearly shows why there are no records for that period of time :) Hope this helps!

2 years ago

@Jenny How do you record the good days?

2 years ago

@Molly dot when you record a new attack. On the attack type screen (where you can select “migraine”, “headaches” ect…), scroll all the way down, tap on the “+” icon and create a a new type of attack called “Good Days”
If this is not clear enough, please contact me at so that I can assist you further!
Wishing you a lovely, migraine-free day!

2 years ago